South America
Associate programs
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    News for June, 1 1999:

 Try this great associate program.Earn $ 4 for every new refferal.More info here .We've worked hard to bring you  our new Online-auctions.net directory. Please visit us at Online-Auctions.net  and tell us what you think .

    News for February, 10 1999:

The site is updated with some new directories on the front page and we have now specific directories about books,music,video,education,finance,health ,religion  and sport.Try some of these search engines and find more about your interested topic now :-)

    News for February, 1 1999:

We add a new topic about affiliate or assocaite programs.If you are a web-master try some of our links.This sites will help you making some money and you have all the links  you need for starting with advertising over the globe with our search engines worldwide.


Many new engines on all continents are added:Look in Africa,Asia,Europe and Middle East for new search engines and directories.


All USA search engines has comments and  some simple rating system for some engines had been added.Please tell us more what would you like to get on our site..Email us at the address :search_engines@yahoo.com


All pages has meta tags suport and we hope there will be more new sufrers at our site.Will  try to get listed on Excite better and try to be in  Yahoo as well.Front page is translated in Spanish,German and French.


Most of search engines and directories are updated and now provide   language description and also type of the engine i.e. robot search engine or spider or directory rewied by human.There had been  some small changes in site design.We are looking for non-english people to help us and translate main page in German,Spanish, French and some other languages.Please mail us at:clubam@usa.net


 We have updated and revisited these countries in Europe:Austria,Germany,Hungary,Italy,Russia and Slovakia.We also provide submission to more than 500 search engines and directories.Email  us for details.Here are the new countries we add in last week:Ireland  and Malta.


    There are some changes in site design and also in engines description.Most of them have info about engine languages and somethimes also information about an engine.Now you can submit your pages at Submit Free page where is a list of 75 search engines with description and links to an engine (dir) submit page.There is also contact Form if you would like to inform us about new search engines and we also have a page with code for linking to our site, please cut and paste the code and tell other web surfers about us.


 Copyright ©  Janez Modic, Slovenia 1998,1999  Try our Online-Auctions directory
